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Verfasst: 09.06.2011 23:30
von spock001
CRiS hat geschrieben:Eine Interessante Antwort die ich grade bekommen habe:

Von: Assemblymember Hagman []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011 19:16
An: Nogshot - Christoph Noga
Betreff: RE: California Senate Bill 798

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to SB 798 (De León) which would classify all BB gun devices as imitation firearms, thereby subjecting them to new rules and specifications (i.e. color, packaging, etc).

As a California State Assemblyman, I wanted to be sure and let you know that I strongly OPPOSE this bill.

This bill is unnecessary and excessive. In fact, coloring BB guns and Airsoft products in bright colors will do little except give parents and children the impression that these devices are toys. This creates confusion and hides the fact that they can cause serious or fatal injury if misused or improperly handled.

We need to focus our efforts on strengthening the economy and creating jobs, not creating new hardships and restrictions for retailers, business owners, and responsible gun owners.

Unfortunately, this bill has already passed the State Senate. I urge you to contact your Assembly Representative and tell them to oppose this bill when it is brought to their attention. Thank you for your support.

It is an honor to serve you and the State of California.

Assemblyman Curt Hagman
District 60
irgendwie komm ich mit dem ganzen "bill" im text nicht klar *rotwerd* was ist denn damit gemeint?

Verfasst: 09.06.2011 23:31
von suicide
Gefordert werden signalfarben, ebenfalls Hopper und hp müßen als anbauteil ebenfalls so gefärbt sein. 1. gibt es das bisher nicht und 2. Würde es bedeuten das ein paar tausend kalifornische paintballer neues Equipment (das es bisher nicht gibt) kaufen müßen und ihre tausende Dollar teure Ausrüstung verschrotten müßen! Es geht hier nicht dorekt um uns sondern um unsere Kollegen, Freunde und mit-paintballer in Kalifornien.

Re: Antwort von einem Senat

Verfasst: 09.06.2011 23:31
von jim
Corny1804 hat geschrieben:Diese Email hab ich gerade als Reaktion auf meine Email erhalten.

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to SB 798 (De León) which would classify all BB gun devices as imitation firearms, thereby subjecting them to new rules and specifications (i.e. color, packaging, etc).

As a California State Assemblyman, I wanted to be sure and let you know that I strongly OPPOSE this bill.

This bill is unnecessary and excessive. In fact, coloring BB guns and Airsoft products in bright colors will do little except give parents and children the impression that these devices are toys. This creates confusion and hides the fact that they can cause serious or fatal injury if misused or improperly handled.

We need to focus our efforts on strengthening the economy and creating jobs, not creating new hardships and restrictions for retailers, business owners, and responsible gun owners.

Unfortunately, this bill has already passed the State Senate. I urge you to contact your Assembly Representative and tell them to oppose this bill when it is brought to their attention. Thank you for your support.

It is an honor to serve you and the State of California.

Assemblyman Curt Hagman
District 60
standard antwort mail, hat wohl nicht mal gemerkt dass du kein us bürger bist.

Verfasst: 09.06.2011 23:39
von Nightmare1907
bill ... ist das ding was da verbaschiedet werden soll

Verfasst: 09.06.2011 23:47
von CRiS
lieber eine standard mail zurück als eine dekadente ablehnung weil ich die begrüßungsformel nicht richtig angewandt habe.

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 00:15
von suicide
Tom Ammiano, Democrat, Chair: Unknown
Gilbert Cedillo, Democrat: Unknown
Jerry Hill, Democrat: Unknown
Holly J. Mitchell, Democrat: Unknown
Nancy Skinner, Democrat: Unknown

das sind die 5 chairmen die es mit mails zu bombardieren gilt!

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 06:57
von Spike_NLD
Habe eben auch noch mal in Facebook in alle möglichen Gruppen gepostet die mit Paintball in Verbindung stehen........

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 08:49
von Grobi
std. Antworten.. wie D damals... was erwartet ihr auch ^^

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 09:19
von Florian
Dear Paintball Manufactures, operators, and enthusiasts

As you may or may not know California State government is looking to pass a new law that will affect paintball in California. Bill SB798 is intended to eliminate an exemption to the current “imitation firearms” law. Currently this exemption allows the Airsoft, BB, and Paintball industry to manufacture black markers/guns that could be considered “look-a-like” firearms; and depending who you talk to, anything that is black with a barrel is a “look-a-like” firearm. A small group of manufactures and operators have become aware of the law and have pulled together to begin fighting the passage of the law or having it amended to exclude paintball from Bill SB798.

Current Working Group:

The current industry group has formed into the California Paintball Safety Coalition (CPSC), which includes following companies: KEE Action Sports, Tippmann, DYE, Kingman, Giant Paintball/Hollywood Sports, and Mercury Public Affairs. Mercury is an outside lobbying firm that the group has retained to help us navigate our complex political system. The owners, CEO’s, and senior executives of the group are all dedicated to making sure paintball is protected and continues to be played in the exciting manner we have all come to love. Add your own business name to the bottom of this letter to show your support and then please forward this letter on.

We need your help

In order for our voice to be heard we need to take the following actions together: first we have developed two generic letters that you as a paintball operator or player can fill out and send into your local representative and state senator. We also have an active Facebook page “Save Paintball in California” please become a friend and pass the link to other players and operators. Also on this page is information on how to find your local representative to mail the letter to as well as a link to the actual bill. The links and info will also be available on the websites of each of the paintball companies listed above. We are also creating posters and handouts that will be available to all California paintball businesses for display.

Is this a real threat?

The answer is yes. The bill has been fast tracked through multiple levels of state legislature and is preparing to go up for a vote on June 14th. Once it passes there will be no going back and a new era of recession will hit both industries, which is why we must issue a call to action to players and industry members alike.

What not to do

It is important that we conduct ourselves in a professional manner as we deal with this issue. This is why we have gone to great lengths to create a form letter for all parties which everyone can use. Our message must be clear and concise if it is to be effective. We are portraying paintball as a recreational game and sport in order to make sure we have a strong position that the political system can stand behind.


Save Paintball in California on Facebook ... California

Player Letter Template ... er-letter/

Dealer Letter Template ... er-letter/


Arthur Chang (Kingman Corp.), Billy Ceranski (KEE Action Sports), Dave DeHaan (DYE Precision), Dennis Bukowski & Giovanni D’Egidio (SC Village, Hollywood Sports Park, California Paintball Park, Giant Paintball Alpine and Giant Paintball Lakeside), Howard Kosick (Tippmann Sports, LLC.), John Robinson (KEE Action Sports)
Noch mal zusammen gefasst!

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 09:20
von Florian supports Cali!

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 10:03
von mnt
Florian hat supports Cali!
fuck yeah!

Verfasst: 10.06.2011 13:28
von spock001
könnte jemand mal die überschrift ändern, da es ja nicht um ein verbot an sich geht. ;)

Verfasst: 13.06.2011 12:26
von Ichabod Crane
spock001 hat geschrieben:könnte jemand mal die überschrift ändern, da es ja nicht um ein verbot an sich geht. ;)

Ist klar man darf keine handelsüblichen Markierer mehr verwenden .... das wirkt sich ja kaum aus

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 18:43
von Florian
Thanks to all the manufacturers, dealers, fields and of course, the fans of this page, Bill SB 798 will be amended to NOT include paintball markers. The amended bill will be heard by the Assembly’s public safety committee at a hearing scheduled for June 21. The amended bill is posted on the left side of this page. Again thanks to all for your support; it was great to see the paintball community make a difference.

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 18:49
von Florian

SECTION 1. Section 16700 of the Penal Code is amended to read:
16700. (a) As used in this part, "imitation firearm" means any BB
device, toy gun, replica of a firearm, or other device that is so
substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an
existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to perceive that the
device is a firearm.
(b) As used in Section 20165, "imitation firearm" does not include
any of the following:
(1) A nonfiring collector's replica that is historically
significant, and is offered for sale in conjunction with a wall
plaque or presentation case.
(2) A spot marker gun which expels a projectile that is greater
than 10 mm caliber.
(3) A device where the entire exterior
surface of the device is white, bright red, bright orange, bright
yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink, or bright purple,
either singly or as the predominant color in combination with other
colors in any pattern, as provided by federal regulations governing
imitation firearms, or where the entire device is constructed of
transparent or translucent materials which permits unmistakable
observation of the device's complete contents, as provided by federal
regulations governing imitation firearms.

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 18:53
von DeepImpact
das heißt also im klartext das paintball in allen kalibern (.43 sind 10,9mm) aus dem schneider ist - also hats vielleicht doch was gebracht das alle scheiße geschrien haben

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 18:55
von der grosse
und nun uff meine sprache, Ostdeutsch.
ick weeß nich um wat dit hier jeht.

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 19:24
von suicide
sehr geil! :D

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 19:32
von Florian
ich war schneller. sorry ;)

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 19:46
von weidex
dann halt nicht ...

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 20:59
von DeepImpact
der grosse hat geschrieben:und nun uff meine sprache, Ostdeutsch.
ick weeß nich um wat dit hier jeht.
nu häre ma, de gugelschubser sin da drümm in gslifornien ne vorboten
^ossideutsch genug^ :ätsch:

Verfasst: 14.06.2011 23:26
von dasbäuerlein
und das wäre auch eine gute vorlage für unsere gesetzgebung....

Verfasst: 15.06.2011 07:56
von kurzer
Und die armen Softairler rennen ab jetzt mit knallbunten Kanonen durch die Gegend wie die Herren es in GB auch schon praktizieren...warum eigentlich nicht...Blaue AKs und Orange M16...

Verfasst: 30.07.2011 00:40
von Hann1bal
"Save Paintball in California
Please let all of your paintball friends know that we will all need to step up for paintball again in the coming weeks. You did a fanastic job the first time around and you will be invaluable towards helping save our sport."

Quelle: Facebook

Gehts da wieder los? Weiß jemand was genaueres?