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Verfasst: 30.10.2005 15:51
von Guard
die Karni ist doch jetzt aber gelb/silber oder?

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 16:07
von Florian
ja stimmt!



Verfasst: 30.10.2005 16:45
von Florian
Dale Ford von Cal68 lässt sich über den diesjährigen World Cup in Orlando aus:

World Cup 2005
By Dale Ford
Oct 29, 2005, 21:57

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This year's World Cup got off to a bad start, due to interference from Hurricane Wilma. It cost the PSP a day of time, but by the time 68Caliber.Com arrived, everything seemed to be on schedule. Robbie Rowe of Crush Paintball in Georgia was hard at work keeping the air supply running for players to fill their tanks, and games appeared to go off on time. With the exception of the PSP misplacing our media passes to allow photographers on the field, all seemed well in the registration area.

Earlier in the week a team had supposedly decided that they were going to have some fun at the event's expense, and at the end of their shenanigans, two refs had to go visit the emergency room and several players from the unnamed team were arrested for assault. Apparently the team was out of contention for the finals, and pulled a freight train, bunkering their opposition, then turned their markers on the refs, viciously overshooting them, resulting in the legal difficulties and visits to the Emergency Room.

In the vendor area we counted a total of 30 vendors in attendance, which is a significantly lower number than in previous years. The usual suspects were there, including DYE, Smart Parts, National Paintball Supply and Empire. Karnage Paintballs, Nelson, WAS and WDP had smaller booths at this event. Earlier in the week, Smart Parts had thrown the tournament community a curve ball by introducing the SP-8, a strictly scenario marker based on the real world XM-8, a military rifle due for introduction into the armed forces in the near future. DYE was drawing healthy crowds with the new DM6, and WGP was having a grand old time showing off their new Black Magic, which does away with the trademark back block. WDP had a very understated booth, showing off the '06 Speed, the G7 Fly and manned by a pair of techs to support Angel users at World Cup. First Call Paintball's Private Label '06 Speed, "The Gat" had a large number of people at their booth checking out the latest interpretation of the Speed.

Wicked Air Sportz was in attendance, and Jim Drew was enthusiastically promoting his soon-to-be-released "Enforcer" and Halo B/Reloader B board. The Enforcer is a small, compact instrument that counts shots fired and gives an accurate read out of the time in between shots, giving an accurate rate of fire indication. Drew claimed that the Enforcer is an easier way for officials to check markers, and he expected that it would assist in the future with the various leagues in writing and enforcing reasonable marker rules. The upcoming HALO B/Reloader B board had its' own innovations, using the piezoelectric effect to sense vibration and allow the loader to feed balls into the marker. In a HALO B, it can be used with the eyes to give optimal performance, and if the eyes fail during a game, it switches automatically in real time to the piezoelectric sensor, allowing the loader to continue functioning correctly.

On the political front, several sources alleged that they'd seen NPPL big wigs Camille Baker and Chuck Hendsch on site in business attire, allegedly to discuss with PSP officials and represenatives of the industry reunifying the NPPL and PSP. The source commented that the industry was pushing hard for reunification due to the costs of supporting two leagues. While this makes sense, nothing at this year's World Cup indicated to me that the NPPL needs anything the PSP can provide, and the PSP still has a lock on the X-Ball format, which may be giving them confidence in their position. With announcements from the NPPL this past week concerning ESPN coverage at their upcoming Commander's Cup event, it may indicate that whatever negotiations that may or may not be going on are likely not going as quickly or as smoothly as everyone expected. While we were headed to lunch at the All-Star Sports Cafe, I saw a woman that bore a remarkable resemblance to Ms. Baker sitting outside typing notes into a laptop computer. After staring at the woman for an uncomfortable amount of time, we decided that it wasn't Ms. Baker, just a woman fortunate enough to look similar to her.

There were also allegations that the industry is contemplating forming a manufacturer's association again, due to the especially difficult year that the industry has had in 2005. While I won't discount the likelyhood of talks going on to form another association, one has to wonder whether or not it'll succeed this time, after failing several times in the past.

One of the things we noticed while walking about the event and talking to people was a lack of focus on the here and now. We were asked several times if we were going to be in Miami for Commander's Cup, rather than how things were going this weekend at World Cup. We chalked up this lack of focus on the here and now due to the lateness of the event, and what could only be described as a funeral 'feel' to the event. While this year's event was definitely smaller than previous years, that may be more a reflection on the recently severe weather in Florida than a statement on the health of the industry.
NXL Scores & Rankings

World Cup Scores & Rankings

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 17:06
von Florian
Guns Galore:

DM6 red gloss


Karni Gold


BM Desert Storm


Karni Silber/weiss


Karni Flame


Karni blau/schwarz






Hybrid Shocker



Alien Inteceptor & Jack Rice









Verfasst: 30.10.2005 17:11
von sven

dick *w00t* ... nochn paar plüschwürfel ranhängen, nen 8ball aufkleber und feddich is die rockabilly-knifte

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 17:47
von mr_belgium
ich mag die desert storm cocker. gibbet die auch in flecktarn?!

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 18:47
von Dreamcrasher
man schenke mir 10000 euro )-:

dann hätte ich nen paar neue knarren und komplett neue ausrüstung


Verfasst: 30.10.2005 19:06
von sven
massenschlägerei zwischen XSV und rage..

hoffentlich hats jemand gefilmt :D

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 19:16
von Flexer
wer hat gewonnen. hat jemand den bodycount? *w00t*

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 19:22
von wizpig
OK ein neues Vid der NXL:

Oakland VS. Trauma

found @ PBStar

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 20:03
von Taliebun
Pbnation-kiddie hat geschrieben: Trauma wins first game against RL 8-6 then second 8-7! Great jobs you played so well guys!
kann das jemand bestätigen? Ich bekomme immer erst um 24Uhr news :(

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 20:38
von sven
Flexer hat geschrieben:wer hat gewonnen. hat jemand den bodycount? *w00t*
naja, da die amis immer übertreiben wirds wahrscheinlich nur ne schubserei gewesen sein. falls nich, tip ich auf XSV. der telford war ja mal angeblich pro-schädelknacker :chair:

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 20:45
von markusl23
Ich dachte, der wäre Müllman gewesen...? *w00t*

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 20:49
von Guard
ich hab mal was von Ultimate Fighting in Japan gelesen

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 21:57
von ronin
Taliebun hat geschrieben:
Pbnation-kiddie hat geschrieben: Trauma wins first game against RL 8-6 then second 8-7! Great jobs you played so well guys!
kann das jemand bestätigen? Ich bekomme immer erst um 24Uhr news :(
Von Paintballstar:
In an amazing upset, Trauma sweeps the NXL Championships! Beats the Russians 8 to 7 in the last minute of their second game! They had already beaten the Russians 8 to 6 in the first game. With the second win, Trauma takes home 40,000 grand and mad respect for taking 1st place from the Russians.
Fuck, das ganze Jahr haun se den Amis auf die Fresse, daß es eine Freude ist und dann im entscheidenden Moment lassen sie sich weggotschen.
Mist, verdammte Scheiße.

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 22:00
von ektschnmen
Trauma wins NXL world cup

1st game: Trauma 8, RL 6
2nd game: Trauma 8, RL 7

jo is wohl fakt, allerdings ist 8 zu 7 halt einfach verloren... respekt an tra8uma aber das war wohl eh laut ausage der russen das staerkste team der nxl.

ich bin trotzdem gespannt auf die berichte der russen spieler vom world cup.

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 23:05
von wizpig
Die Russen hatten aber den gesamten Event über ziemliche Paint-Probleme.

Ich weiß... hätte, wäre, etc aber ich sags trotzdem:
Hätten sie gute Paint gehabt, dann hätten sie Trauma kaputt gemacht. ;)

Verfasst: 30.10.2005 23:41
von ronin
NXL Orlando, semifinals, second game

We solved our problem with paintballs.
And no one could stop us in this game :)


Final score 14:4, we win, and go to the final.
Now we will wait, who will be second finalist, Oakland or Baltimore.
Steht leider noch nix zu dem Spiel gegen Trauma.

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 08:51
von Ben
Trauma ? Wie bitte ? Die waren die ganze Saison nur Durchschnitt.
Dann spielen sie gegen die Legion und gewinnen auch noch ? Da muss aber was im Kaffee gewesen sein. Oder die haben das Powerfood von den Russen bekommen. Sehr merkwürdig.

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 09:11
von ronin
Die Amis wollen einfach nicht, daß ein russisches Team ihre Meisterschaft gewinnt.
Deswegen haben die Refs die Aufgabe gehabt, dafür zu sorgen daß die RL nicht gewinnen kann.

Na ja, etwas seltsam ist es aber schon. :dunno:

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 09:21
von wizpig
ronin hat geschrieben:Von
NXL Orlando, semifinals, second game

We solved our problem with paintballs.
And no one could stop us in this game :)
Steht leider noch nix zu dem Spiel gegen Trauma.
Aaaalter, das war das letzte das ich lesen wollte... :(
Dafür das du mir den Tag versaut hast: :peitsch0r:

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 09:25
von wizpig
Und noch ein Vid von PBStar:

Dogs vs. XSV

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 09:28
von ronin
NXL Orlando finals

It was the most dramatic and tense games of all season.
Trauma against Red Legion
The first game has ended with score 8-6, Trauma win.

The second game can be considered as the most beautiful game of 2005.
Both teams played on a limit of they forces and break did not exceed more than 2 points. But in this time Baltimore was luckier.
We loose second game 7:8, last point Trauma took in last seconds of the game.
We take second place of NXL league.

We would like to tell big thank to all our fans, and all who supported us and helped us in season of 2005.
Thank you very much to all of you.
We love you!
Die ham schon Stil.
Trotzdem wär's mir lieber, sie hätten einfach den Titel geholt :(

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 09:37
von ronin
wizpig hat geschrieben: Aaaalter, das war das letzte das ich lesen wollte... :(
Dafür das du mir den Tag versaut hast: :peitsch0r:
Gern geschehen ;)

Verfasst: 31.10.2005 11:11
von sven
wizpig hat geschrieben:Und noch ein Vid von PBStar:

Dogs vs. XSV
cool, tnx

dachte kurz:"krass, die eine ego geht mal voll ab"... dabei wars matty marshall :doh: ;)