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PSP Chicago Bericht

Verfasst: 24.06.2005 14:14
von Ben
by: Tom Dohman

Day 1:
It's Thursday, and it's our first day of being at PSP Chicago. At 10:00 this morning we met at Don's house and used a shoehorn to fit all six of us, our gear, and our clothes into the Suburban and headed down the road to Bolingbrook for the 2005 Chicago open.

The only way to describe today is "fuster cluck". The venue looks great, the fields are very nice, and the actual play looks to be really good, but plenty of things haven't gone so smoothly today.

First of all, we stared looking for where to get our guns set up with the PSP modes. We needed to go to Eclipse, WDP, and Tadao to get our guns updated. Turns out Eclipse is the only one that was actually able to do it. Tadao explained that the machine 'burned up', so they wouldn't be able to flash the boards until tomorrow morning. Ouch. The quest for WDP ended with me finding out that they didn't show up and that there isn't an aftermarket board or anyone else there who can flash the 3 Speed '05s we have on the team. Sweeeet. At least Eclipse did everything. We ended up getting Tadao chips for the old Lasoya Intimidators that Donnie and Dennis had, as well as getting Dye to update the chips in the DM4s and Don's 3 Eclipse guns updated and we were golden. It bums me out that I can't stick by my beloved Angels, but I guess I'll have to deal.

The event isn't exactly run well right now, but that's what you get when you play PSP. When we signed up, PSP decided not to give us our team packet...something that's a little important. Then we got ignored trying to ask for it. The captain's meeting was scheduled for 6:00, so of course it started at 7:00 on the dot. Niiiiiiice. After that hour of my life I'll never get back, we walked the field (it's kinda nice only having to worry about one layout) and then it was off on the wild goose chase Mapquest sent us on to find our hotel. At least it's a nice one, and the restaraunt we ate at (Bouna, I think...) was awesome. If only the tiramisu hadn't been frozen (damn!).

As you can see from the pictures, there was alot going on at the Traumahead booth. Enjoy those pictures, Brian! You can see Dennis modelling the new Eclipse fingerbands (whether I wear them or not might be another story), and a nice little confrontation in a Jax Worriors game (and yeah, that's spelled correctly!). Apparently, after the Jax player got shot up, the ref didn't make a call quick enough and he took it upon himself to run up to the other player and shoot him at point blank range. Nice. There are a few pictures of the aftermath too, and then some of us walking the fields.

Anyway, we play the afternoon session tomorrow (we have 8 minutes to get to our first field, play a 5 minute game, clean up, reload, air up, chrono, and then play another 5 minute game, so we'll see how that works out). I'll give a report tomorrow.

Hier noch ein paar Bilder: ... index.html



Verfasst: 24.06.2005 17:46
von bunkermaster10
Glen and the Avas boys face off with XSV in about 4 hours. They mowed Ultimate yesterday.

Verfasst: 25.06.2005 07:17
von mr_belgium
did you have some results of the match yesterday (avalanche vs. xsv)???

Verfasst: 25.06.2005 07:25
von jeff.chandler
dynasty - dogs 8:5
avalance - xsv 8:9