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New danish event series, all held in Copenhagen

z.B. Beach Cup Croatia / Anthrax Cup Griechenland / etc.
Nick Brockdorff
Wohnort: Copenhagen, Denmark
Beiträge: 59
Registriert: 06.12.2005 06:05

New danish event series, all held in Copenhagen


01.01.2012 01:16

Hey all and happy new year!

It is with great pleasure, now that the MS 2012 dates are known, that we can make public our 2012 event series, that north german teams may enjoy taking part in:

Dänische Meisterschaft in X-Ball (DMX)

Event format: 4 events - the 3 first act at qualifiers for the 4th - The Danish Open X-Ball Championship

Dayformat first 3 events: Prelim pools of 4 teams (we'll seed you). 1 and 2 in each pool progress to Pro finals, 3 and 4 to Amateur finals, for the day.

Dayformat DM (last event): Prelim pools are all Pro or all Amateur, based on how teams have qualified the first 3 events. From pools, the best teams progress to play for the title in either Pro or Amateur.

Matchformat: Millennium X-Ball SPL (5man and first to 4 points each match)

Participants: Alle events are OPEN, no matter where or what you have played before, or what nationality you are!

Venue: All events are held at Taastrup Paintball, Snubbekorsvej 5A, 2630 Taastrup, in Copenhagen.

Entry fee: DKr. 500 per team

Paint: Buy on site ONLY, we expect paint at Dkr. 250, 300 and 350 per case, so people have a wide selection.

Referees: Participating teams all ref, every game day. (so if 16 teams attend, your team will ref every 16th match). Obviously you will not ref your own pool, or teams from your own club/field.

Dates: Saturday the weekend before each Millennium event, except May, being 2 weeks ahead):

17th March
12th May
23rd June
6th October

Field design: At all events, we will be using the field design for next weekends Millennium event.

Prices: We will try to get some goodies from sponsors, but these are low cost events, so everyone can afford to participate - so no promises ;)
Obviously there will be cups for the first 3 Pro and Amateur at championship event, as a minimum.

Points system:
It's real easy:
Pro winner gets 1 point, second gets 2 pointa, etc.
(So, if there are 8 Pro teams at an events, the Amateur winner gets 9 points)

After event 3, the 8 teeams with the least points, are qualified for the final event as Pro, and the rest qualified as Amateur.

ONLY teams that play the first 3 events, can qualify for Pro at the last event! - Others will play for the Amateur title.

We will let you know when we open for entries, and we are on the way with website and social media.

Once again, a very happy new year to you all!

Taastrup Paintball

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Nick Brockdorff
Wohnort: Copenhagen, Denmark
Beiträge: 59
Registriert: 06.12.2005 06:05


09.01.2012 03:14

By popular demand, we are changing the rules on paint.

Team can either enter as stipulated in the first post - or - enter using their own paint, by paying a DKK 2.000 entry fee.

So now sponsored teams have options :)


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Nick Brockdorff
Wohnort: Copenhagen, Denmark
Beiträge: 59
Registriert: 06.12.2005 06:05


29.01.2012 00:57

Please note:

If you are brining your own paint, it has to be 100 % PEG with no oils in the fill.

We do not want low grade paint staining our bunkers permanently.

Teams found to be using paint containing oils, will be eliminated from the event - so make sure with your supplier the paint is the right quality, before you buy it :)

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Nick Brockdorff
Wohnort: Copenhagen, Denmark
Beiträge: 59
Registriert: 06.12.2005 06:05


07.02.2012 10:27

We are now open for entries for event 1, 17th March in Copenhagen:

Full size Millennium field
Covered pit
Covered spectator stands
Same field design as St. Tropez
All teams guaranteed minimum 4 matches
Millennium SPL format (race-to-4)

Maximum number of teams for event 1: 16

To enter, send an email to mail@extremepaintball.dk - incl:

After having sent the mail, you will receive payment details, and your spot at the event is secure when payment has been received.


1. Copenhagen Synergy
2. Copenhagen Apocalypse Black
3. Copenhagen Apocalypse Red
4. Copenhagen Ducks

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