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PbNation ist 10 Jahre alt!

Wer mit wem & warum, neue Sponsoren, neue Klamotten, schnacken & spekulieren
Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25

PbNation ist 10 Jahre alt!


05.03.2011 14:44

Kyle hat geschrieben:It's been 10 years now since PbNation was started by a couple of high school kids who all shared a passion for Paintball. I wasn't one of those kids, but I got involved shortly after the site started and they realized they were in over their head, and had created something truly special.

At one point, PbNation was run off of a desktop PC on a DSL connection in Ohio. I remember when we realized we'd outgrown our hardware and needed to upgrade to more powerful servers on a real pipe so we did the only thing we could think of: We took the site down, put that server in a box, and Fedex'd it across the country so I could put it into our first datacenter.

Since that point, we've moved the site a number of times to where it resides now, on a cluster of servers hundreds of times more powerful than what we started out on.

By the end of our first year, we had around 10,000 users. Fast forward 10 years and we've got half a million, with millions of people visiting the site each year.

I've been running this site for a decade now, and I have to say that I love it just as much now as I did when I started out. There's been a lot of late nights and headaches keeping it up and running, but because of it I've met countless amazing friends and had a lot of laughs.

To commemorate our 10 year anniversary, we've created a special badge for those of you who have been here since the start. Users who registered in 2001 who have been active this year will find that they've received a very special 10 year badge, as well as a little something extra as a thank you from the staff here at PbNation: We've added two Gold Ups to your accounts. If you are an Annual Supporting Member, you can use them or sell them right away. If you ever decide to join ASM, they will be sitting waiting for you in addition to the two you get for signing up.


To find out more about the badge, click here.

Thanks to everyone who makes this site their home, we couldn't have made it this far without you.

Auf diesem Wege alles Gute und Danke für die tolle Arbeit, die die Jungs da drüben machen. Ohne die wären wir alle nicht soweit und hätten auch nicht so viel zu erzählen. Hut ab und weiter so!!!


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Wohnort: naGOLD
Beiträge: 2769
Registriert: 09.06.2004 15:56


05.03.2011 14:55

wie war das "home of deer gore....and some paintball stuff" :D

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


05.03.2011 14:59

oh yeah! die deer gore geschichte hat sie sogar bei meinen freunden, die nix mit paintball am hut haben bekannt gemacht und weltweit zu ruhm gebracht :D

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Beiträge: 706
Registriert: 08.12.2008 22:54


06.03.2011 03:28

Metler hat geschrieben:wie war das "home of deer gore....and some paintball stuff" :D
Um einen Post aus dem betreffenden Thread zu zitieren "Oh. My. God." Einmal bei Google "deer gore" gesucht und schon kommen alle möglichen Querverweise aufs PBnation (u.a. auch urban dicticionary)...

achja und alles Gute dem nation ;)

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Beiträge: 1436
Registriert: 29.08.2002 20:15


07.03.2011 08:41

eins der größten deppenforen
herzlichen. jaa

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