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Eclipse hat seinen Youtube Channel verloren!

Neuigkeiten und mehr...
Doogy 88s
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Eclipse hat seinen Youtube Channel verloren!


28.04.2018 08:48

Eclipse hat seinen Youtube Channel verloren und bitte die Gang darum den neuen Channel zu Pushen


We’re a pretty relaxed bunch at Planet Eclipse but when our YouTube channel was wiped off the face of the internet last month, along with over 12 years of incredible paintball films, we were a little upset. Why did it happen? Not a clue. We still have zero insight from the guys from YouTube. But nobody was hurt and life moves on. So we've started again.

We’ve taken one of our other YouTube channels, given it a spring clean, uploaded all the product videos, made it look all pretty and are ready to rock. Again. It’ll be a while before our back catalogue of Artifact films are added, but we’ll get there eventually, and we’ll be able to continue giving you as many awesome FREE paintball films and product videos as possible.

But we’re gonna need your help.

We need you guys to head over to the channel and watch some videos. Give them a like. Share the ones you like. Maybe even drop us some sweet comments. Whatever you fancy doing, but ultimately SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss any of the new wave of awesome content we’ll be creating in 2018 and beyond.

To kick things off, we've dropped F1RST. Our latest paintball short created with our good friend George Fava.

F1RST is just that. A 3 minute action reel of firsts.

The first outing of the CS2.
The first Pro event for DMG, Elevation and NYX.
The first event in the 2018 NXL series.
And a first place pro finish for Edmonton Impact.


Our begging bowls are held out high for you to fill with likes, comments and shares. Head over to the channel, give the videos a watch, and please SUBSCRIBE.

Thanks guys and gals. We truly appreciate all your help. Numbers are just numbers, which is why we're not losing sleep over it, but still...

Hope you enjoy the videos and stay tuned for more awesome stuff.

And yes. We know some of our videos have less likes than your mum’s cooking channel. But we’re cool with that. For now.

Check out the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/planeteclipse
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Doogy 88s für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 4):
Dodo (28.04.2018 11:00) • Leo (28.04.2018 15:25) • JonnyFlash (29.04.2018 21:13) • joesss (05.05.2018 18:04)

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Beiträge: 147
Registriert: 09.04.2016 17:48

Re: Eclipse hat seinen Youtube Channel verloren!


02.05.2018 12:59

Guck mal an... Als der Röder beim Guncheck der CS1 die dünne Anleitung bemängelt hat, und meinte das Internetvideos ja auch verschwinden können hatte ich das belächelt.
Hat er wohl recht gehabt :D
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Marvin101 für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
Doogy 88s (02.05.2018 13:25) • Dodo (02.05.2018 15:57) • KidStealth (03.05.2018 09:08)

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