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Cyborg, Droid, Clone, Drone, Prime

Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59



21.01.2004 18:25

So i was privileged enuf to shoot the first Mac Dev Cyborg in canada today and I was very impressed... I've like and also have used mac dev's products for quite awhile now ,and they have out done themselfs once again

here's what i thought:

- fast doesn't even come close to explaining how this gun shoots,also really easy to shoot fast.

- very small and light (especially with the conquest air system on it)

-the anodizing is flawless

-nice trigger feel,this was right out of the box , so i think it could feel even better after some adjustment.

-comes with a .689 match stik barrel which works really well

- so quiet

-it uses angel lcd type grips so getting after market grips isn't a problem

- there isn't alot of milling but it looks good just the same( better in person)

-over all the Cyborg is one of if not the nicest markers i have shot

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


21.01.2004 18:27

I got to watch a lot of Cyborgs in action at the Hamilton 2004 VComp tournament, and was impressed enough to ask for a bit of a demonstration and a quick trial run at the end of the competition. Diane from MacDev, and MacDev Factory Team Captain "Blobby" were more than happy to arrange a couple of these markers for me to have a look at, and here's a bit of a first impression.

During play, the players running the Cyborgs were firing them so fast that I was almost positive that they were using burst mode, trigger bouncing, or they were fully automatic, all of which are disallowed in New Zealand. There were apparently players on a number of teams who felt the same way, so the markers were checked out to ensure that they were legal, and sure enough, they were.

Quite simply, you get a phenomenal rate of fire out of the Cyborg. MacDev are notably, and quite rightly, proud of this marker, which made it's first out-of-Aussie debut at the Hamilton event.

It's nothing special to look at. Don't get me wrong, it's not an ugly marker, but it doesn't stand out when compared to some of the flashier streamlined markers... but when you're getting the kind of performance I experienced with the thing, that's a secondary concern.

It's light, and with the rig shown in the image displayed, it is well balanced and a pleasure to hold.

Firing it gave absolutely no kick that I could detect other than what I created by pulling the trigger. The trigger was so light that I'd squeezed off a shot without even realising. While I was not able to match the rate of fire that the marker's owner was able to attain, I was able to comfortably out-shoot what I would have been getting with my Shocker without even trying.

The other thing I liked about the marker was the fact that it wouldn't dry fire. If you were out of paint, then pulling the trigger did nothing. You could turn this off, but I thought it was a nice touch, even if it wasn't the be-all and end-all of paintball marker abilities.

As for accuracy... I felt I could almost drill holes with this marker. At a range that would get me a 3ft grouping with my usual tournament marker, I was landing paint within 1ft of where I was aiming. On-field of course this would give you a much better chance of hitting an exposed elbow or foot.

In short: I love this paintball marker. I will buy one at the soonest opportunity.

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25.01.2004 16:13

Mal was handfestes :

MacDev Cyborg Review - 1/24/2004

-Article by ditangquan, Copyright 2004

Macdev announced their new marker at World Cup in Orlando in October of 2003. I saw the marker there but assumed it was another Macdev Sonic Bushmaster so I didn't really pay much attention to it. Then I broke my leg in our second game and ruined life for everyone, even you, but you don't know it yet. Later I found out that it really isn't a Bushmaster, or so Macdev says: "its a completely different and new marker."

For those of you that are young and use the word AGG and have a short attention span and can barely read much less pull up your pants above your bunghole, I'll save you the trouble of going any further. AGG! There. All done. :)
You can now put !~* AGG AGG AGG CYBORG AGG AGG AGG *~! in your post later!

For the rest of you, here's the review:

I've been a fan of Macdev's for some time, starting with their Conquest Air System. I have also used and loved their regulators, their parts for Bushmasters, Sonic Bushmasters and their other products. I've been impressed with their products and they have excellent quality and terrific service. This is why I decided to preorder one from PaintballKingdom.com, their only US distributor of the Cyborg in December, 2003 and to this date.

After a short wait (we were told they would be here the first week of January, 2004), it arrived around mid January. Jim at PaintballKingdom.com was fantastic in his service and order status for the long month it took to get it. I had ordered the black to orange fade Macdev Cyborg. When it arrived it came without the carrying case and accessories. These will come soon according to PaintballKingdom.com. It also came stock with the new .689 two piece Macdev Matchstik Barrel (cocker threaded), and I had ordered an extra item, the PBK (PaintballKingdom.com) Clamping Feedneck ($36) which is currently the only upgrade for the Cyborg (eye covers are coming soon). I wanted this feedneck because I had noticed that all of the videos and pictures of the Cyborg showed the stock feedneck with an Egg II, so I knew I needed a different feedneck for my Cyborg if I wanted to use my Halo B's. Eggs are fine, but after crippling my Vikings with a Z Board Egg I knew that Halo B was the only way to really get all the performance I salivate for, and I'm hungry.

The Cyborg arrived, and Bourke and James from Macdev had mentioned that this first batch of black to orange fades were very red. And I'm glad too, its a really nice color and I hope it becomes a rare color and they don't make any more! Here's the marker:

Ok, enough on the background, lets get a review going.

Presentation - Well since I got the first one in the USA, it was in a Fedex bag and the barrel rolled in some bubble wrap. This isn't a problem since I'd rather get the marker now than wait until later when the locking plastic carrying case arrives. I'll update this part when that shows up. I won't rate the presentation since it isn't the 'standard' presentation of the marker, i.e. how you'd get it when you buy it. Yours might come in a gold box with a little gremlin that wipes down your marker, fills your pods, and rubs your back between games, but I won't guarantee this. If anything, the little bugger will probably jump out, kick you in the nards, spit in your eye and steal your Cyborg while running down the street screaming W T F Mate? lol. I digress, lets review this marker, shall we?

Marker Annodize - Its a top notch fade. The black to reddish orange is fantastic. I spent the first 15 minutes licking the marker I liked it so much, although it probably had the mungy taste from Bourke or James back in Australia. I hate to ask why that flavor was this weeks ick, but it was. However, its a quality buffing and polishing before the annodize and the only problem I could find was along the groove where the bolt pin moves there was a little roughness, but nothing that anyone could see unless you really got in close and looked. But it did have a nice touch: The bolt pull is annodized to match the red of the marker. This is a nice detail! Every custom marker I've ever bought I've requested this and they've always shown up BLACK. GRRR! This one came anodized to match stock and I didn't even ask for it! I did a dance around the room over this one, broken leg and all. Ouch. Such small details are what make a great marker and a man writhing on the floor holding his leg in agony with a huge bulge in his pants. That's disgusting, what's wrong with you?

Quality of Construction - This marker is built well. I couldn't find any looseness, misaligned or badly fitted parts ANYWHERE. Everything fits to high standards. 10 out of 10. Top Rate Mate!

Grips - Dye Clear Sticky 3's, Angel/Matrix style - I don't like clear. This marker would have looked better with black stickies. Personal preference. But, they are Dye and not some cruddy black panels, so if you replace them...you've still got assets! You can sell them to some kid at the field who will try to put them on his Spyder with superglue because the holes don't line up while you pocket your $12.93 and a Derder sticker! This is the meaning of life, reread this paragraph while chanting, ho hum, la roo pah. Yes, now you are oblivious to The Great Welt next time you get bunkered and you are allowed now to turn and fire upon the offending bunkerer, all has been forgiven, your place has been set and you are saved!

2004 Macdev Gladiator Regulator - This is one of the best regs in the world. I rate it right there with the AKA Sidewinder and Palmer Stabilizer. Yes, its that good. It might even be better. That review is forthcoming. No, I won't stop this review and go do another review. Do you realize how hard it is to keep talking about one subject without digressing into other topics? I digress, this reg is perfect for this marker and not only because its made by Macdev, duh!
However, the included macro fitting is a straight one, and a 90* would have been better so you don't pinch your macro line, which is very irritating. Actually the only reason my macroline got pinched was because I had 46 sections of macroline of various colors of the rainbow AND NONE OF THE *&^% things were longer than 5 inches. Sigh. Wait, that has nothing to do with the review. Back again... it appears they might have used teflon tape to attach this fitting, which I find atrocious, but it could be the fitting had its own whitish sealant...yeah, I think so, I hope so. I'll be removing this for a 90* macro fitting soon anyway, so that's moot. Out with the straight in with the...ewwww. That's just wrong. What's wrong with you anyway. Are you really reading this? There is a quiz at the end!

2 Piece 14" Matchstik Barrel (.689) - I dislike two piece barrels of any kind, so lets just leave this one alone. I'd rather have a good one piece barrel. I won't be using this barrel because I'm a chimp. EEK EEEK! Oooh, too much Sake tonight perhaps. ;)

Macdev Guage/ASA - Nice guage. I don't like them hanging off the side catching paint like Bushmasters and Timmy's have them, but its a nice gauge. I think it could be moved under the LPR by rotating the ASA, but I haven't bothered to do it...yet. However, you must keep your gauge on the side so it catches my paint. Get the hint?

2004 Sonic LPR - I don't have any way of testing its operating pressure but I've been told this thing is cocking at 50psi, which is very amazing. I don't like the open hole in the front of the LPR (its the screw for adjustment). I love the previous Sonic LPR with the thumbscrew and nice cap. That was perfect. I hope they go back to that. It not only had good form but function. Why change what is perfected?

Cyborg Bolt - I don't know what its made out of. Its a grayish material and its showing slight wear already after half a case of paint, but nothing you wouldn't expect. The back half unscrews and reveals a spring which holds a bearing to hold the bolt pin in. It has the angled air hole (from the bottom) like the AKA Lightning bolt so I'm sure its going to work great. The bolt pin head is annodized to match the marker with a Macdev jewel is top rate. I dance! Yes! Oh baby, all is good!

Eyes/Eye covers - I thought they were plastic covers from pictures I've seen, but they are quality aluminum and fit perfectly. So good they are a part of the marker. Look at the picture. They are almost flush. This is an asset out on the field, believe you me, oh wait, we have a freakin gauge sticking out 1 inch. ACK!
The eyes have a long hole internally (where the bolt is) so if you get gunk in there/chop paint, its going to fill up and give the board constant reads and effectively turn off the eyes. I had this happen one time and had to swab to get the eyes back online. This was irritating. You cannot do this in a game. However, I doubt this thing is going to chop very much if at all. Blame this one on paint, imho.

Trigger/Trigger frame - Its a nice frame, reminiscent of a cocker hinge frame. However that's where the similarity ends, this is no mechanical. Its a nice trigger, very easy to shoot the marker fast. DID I SAY EASY? This is like buttering bread. Later on you'll see a video. I'm shooting my FIRST full hopper and just holding the marker by my side. I'm not trying very hard. I'm shooting on my slow side (right). Its shooting gallons of paint. I could close down a lane between here and Tulsa with the rate of fire you are getting out of the stock trigger! The trigger is bliss.
It also has an included 'snatch' grip which is remarkably comfortable. I also liked the recessed on/off switch which is nicely located and impossible to turn off without holding in the button. You can turn off your eyes by holding the button in until it blinks three times. I found the green light hard to see in the Arizona sun, so I couldn't tell if it was on or off outside until I shaded it. Go figure, maybe I'm just getting old and frail... so tired...gasp. Must continue on, more to say.

Circuit Board - I haven't taken this thing apart yet, but I know that the trigger switch and the on/off switch are part of the board. What that means if a part goes bad, I don't know. I guess you are SOL until Macdev sends you a new BOARD. You also adjust ROF and other settings through dip switches. I don't see any reason to change anything, it rocks stock and I mean this. Why mess with the board? GET YOUR STINKIN PAWS OUT OF THE FRAME. YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING. ARGH! More warranty work coming up!

Warranty - Macdev gives a 12 month warranty on the marker. I don't know what this covers, how you get service or where to send service, but it should be in the user manual. I'm sure with Macdev's support it will be top rate. I need to take my own advice and RTFM. Yes R T F M. That's the F word between READ THE and (f word) MANUAL. I don't like using that word but sometimes if you imply it it isn't quite so bad. However if you imply it on my website I have every right to ban you, but see, I'm immune, I run the site, so I'm special. lol. In this case though, it was justified, RTFM is in the computer world, a common acronym to describe and fix most every technical problem. We had a problem here, so out comes RTFM. See? If you call Bourke at Macdev on the phone at $99 a minute long distance and after a 10 minute hold time while he finishes a game of one on one b-ball (or whatever kooky game those Aussies play) against James and you babble into the phone some nonsense about how to turn on the marker and he says R T F M MATE! You'll know exactly what I'm talking about! All names used are purely coincidental and have nothing to do with reality as I live on another plane of existance, any resemblance to the natural world is purely inconclusive and ...W T F am I talking about. Oh the warranty.
Summary: 1 year. Pretty good. Next.

Speed - Ok, the big thing these days is what is your Rate of Fire? Well, compared to a Viking or Timmy, it keeps right up there with the Viking and outshoots most Timmy's I've shot. I do hate Timmies. No, I'm not being racist. If your name is Timmy I only hate you if it is the shortened form of Intimidator. If that is your real name, hey buddy, you are freaky, go away or I'll spank you with my crutch. I have a broken leg from an anodized bolt pin, would you get off already? I just don't like Timmies. Bob Long, he's cool, been around the game longer than you've been alive, but that has nothing to do with his super spyder, ok, so ....well back to the review.. On the Cyborg I found it extremely easy to hit (according to someone that checked this video, disclaimer MODE = ON) 18bps. I wasn't trying hard at all. Watch the video and see for yourself. You too can do this with this marker. Its pretty easy. Just don't put an Egg Z Board on it and think you are shooting fast. You aren't. ViewLoader LIES. Yes, the great son of Brass Eagle is a liar. The hopper IS NOT A FORCE FEEDER. IT DOES NOT FEED 23 BPS. NO. Its pretty good, but the Halo B T1 or Z outshoots it! No, the TE does not. Oh, ok, I'm sorry, once again I'm getting off on a tangent. Weee.

Consistency - I don't doubt this will have extremely good consistency with the Macdev parts. Did you read that right? I said, its going to be really consistent. They make great stuff. I believe that a true test of consistency requires a good paint to barrel match and high grade paint. I don't have either right now so I won't feed you any bull shooting Kick'n paint through the Matchstik barrel. Kick'n paint is garbage, however it is what I have right now. The rumor is they buy all the seconds from major manufacturers and call it their good stuff. Lets just say that the paint just isn't quality enough for this kind of test and what is important in our sport? Paint. Equipment. Everyone has these THOUSAND dollar markers and they are running poop out the barrel. HELLO? Yes, you are shooting poop out your gold plated Shatner Special Edition One of a Kind signed by Captain Kirk marker. Oh wait, I just admitted something here and I don't know what it was....

Efficiency - I ran 5 hoppers and used up a complete hot filled to 3000 psi Conquest (68/4500 tank that was filled fast). Macdev claims 1800 shots or more on a full 68/4500. I'll have to find out for myself later. For all I know my tank cooled to 500psi and this thing is a super efficient machine gun. What kind of test is this? Who is reviewing this marker? Sheesh. Get a clue dude, get some air!

Reliability - I chopped one ball, but I might want to say its the cruddy paint. I don't know. But it did fill the holes where the eyes are and the eyes read paint from then on (basically disabled eyes). A half of a hopper did not clear out the eye holes, I had to swab to clean them. The eyes do not see through paint, so its a beam break system rather than Infrared.

Summary - This is a nice marker. I don't like the idea that it has an internal micro line feeding the solenoid from the LPR. That's its biggest flaw, in my opinion and I really hate Intimidators and that has nothing to do with this review and why do you keep bringing it up? I'm just a big proponent of the idea that if you need an air chamber, mill a hole in the aluminum, it'll never fail. However all of that set aside, this is a very fast marker with a ton of potential. Is it worth the $980 cost? That's up to you. I know that I can get as fast or faster of a marker (AKA Viking) for less cost with better internal design and as good or better efficiency, consistency and a better (lifetime) warranty.

However to be fair, to get a 'custom fade' color on that Viking, as well as mill it down to 2.4lbs, I'd be looking at a $1200 Viking. So the Cyborg is a better deal in that respect. But then again, if you look at the user manual's schematics you might think this is ...well, lets go to Generation 12, shall we?

All in all, this performs awesome so far, so if you put your money on the line, I think you'll get what you paid for. Macdev is a top rate company and they have a TERRIFIC product with the Macdev Cyborg. It is that good. Yes, you will be shooting one soon. If not shooting one, someone will be bonus balling you from the dead box with theirs. Either way, you will appreciate its rate of fire and/or consistent welting power. Whatever you decide, there you are. Um?

About the Author - The author goes by the web name of ditangquan, which is a Chinese Wushu Kung Fu style (Ground Boxing). This style of Kung Fu emphasises ground falls, ground fighting, acrobatic movements, flying kicks, full face frontstands, landing on your nose and other freaky stuff including biting eyes, ears and other tender morsels if in a bad spot fighting for your life. His many years of specialty Kung Fu of falling, sliding, jumping, leaping and caterwauling didn't prevent his simple slide into a bunker where his Warped Sportz Dark FT (may they roast in a hot place those Demons) Shoes stopped on a minor root underneath the soft caressing grass of the Shocktech (field 6) on the way to the left side taco bunker causing incredible damage when his foot stopped and his 200+ (muscular, that ain't fat bobo) weight continued into the bunker while his shoe and foot and leg stayed behind...making for a really freaky looking leg. This funky dance resulted in several days of morphine and surgery, 7 screws and a plate...all of which has resulted in yours truly and here we are reviewing a marker.....don't wait up for me...just stick the 50 baby or I'm gonna lane you...Get out playa.

In other words...fate gets you every time.

Boo to PSP for leaving me on the field for 50 minutes in utter agony. Extra cheers to them for not even asking if I'm ok. Its been over 3 months.

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Millesponsor 2015 Gold
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25.01.2004 16:40

nach der thg folgt die mhg :)

liest sich ja ganz gut das review....

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Wohnort: Köln
Beiträge: 2120
Registriert: 10.06.2003 22:42


25.01.2004 16:56

jupp. allerdings kann ich auch auf der seite das video nicht finden was der typ erwähnt gemacht zu haben...

was hier in dem review auffällt und mich irgendwie bei vielen markern stört ist das man bei nem break/chop das auge versaut wird und man das auge komplett ausbauen und reinigen muss damit es wieder läuft. könnte man nicht kleine plexiglaseinsätze vor das auge in der bolttube setzen, damit nach ein paar bällen das auge entweder von selbst wieder gereinigt ist oder sich manuell leicht saubermachen lässt...

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


25.01.2004 20:58

machen könnt man sowas sicherlich ist nur die frage wieweit das die fertigung komplizieren würde bzw die augen beeinträchtigt...
ausserdem chopt man ja mit augen nich ;)

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Wohnort: Köln
Beiträge: 2120
Registriert: 10.06.2003 22:42


25.01.2004 21:16

ausserdem chopt man ja mit augen nich ;)
wenn man aber mal ausnahmsweise ziemlich schlechte paint kriegt und dadurch die tube versaut wird kommt das aufs gleiche raus. oder man neue teile verbaut und die gun neu einstellt, oder man stress mit dem hopper hat usw...

jedenfalls könnte es ne schnelle und unkomplizierte reinigung vereinfachen. wobei natürlich die funktion des auges nicht beeinträchtigt werdem sollte, es sollte das schließlich unanfälliger für zwischenfälle machen.

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Will hier nur verkaufen
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28.01.2004 10:34

naja dann haben wir ja mal wieder eine neue herausvorderung etwas zu bauen...
aber problem ist bei plexiglas wenn da kratzer drauf kommen könnte es vielleicht doch probleme geben...naja mal sehen....

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28.01.2004 12:18

tom kaye würde dazu sagen: "whipping up the hype machine"

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28.01.2004 12:32

mnt hat geschrieben:tom kaye würde dazu sagen: "whipping up the hype machine"
Du willst gar nicht wissen, was MacDev in nem australischen Forum von sich lassen ;)

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


02.02.2004 01:56

don’t know where to begin this so I am going to go through every aspect of this marker that a players looks to when deciding on purchasing a gun.

Weight: Very impressed, my setup with a conquest feels to be the weigh of some guns alone. No Matter who it is, first words to come out of anyone mouth when they pick up this marker are Wow this is light (or something to that extent)
It is also very Balanced and comfortable to hold. Although it is light is does not feel cheap. Parts do not feel as if they are all screwed or twisted as the marker is extremely solid.

Quality: As I stated above, this marker does not feel cheap. Very sturdy. Even the anodizing is Flawless. The finish is impressive and even twice as much in bright light, as you can see the detail of the anno (almost a metallic look like car paint) Granted the milling is not fancy, but in person It still appeals to some, I think it unique and donot mind the milling at all.

Shooting: Up until now 5 cases have run through the marker ( 2 days) and I have yet to have a single Chop Or break anywhere in the marker. The Breech and barrel have not been cleaned and still look the gun just came out of the box. The bolt does not show any sign of wear whatsoever. I have shot everything from old white box though hellfire. The 12v revy, Egg and Halo B have all been tested.

I use a 68/4500 conquest set at 400 psi. The Gladiator is at 200 psi. (And always on point, I love this Reg!)... I set the LPR for the 260 fps (indoor) Limit. Just to give you an Idea of how quiet this gun is, One of our back guys shoots a Matrix with a SCM and Evolve Bolt, side my side with its was about the same sound ( the borg sounded a bit lower in pitch but not volume). There is Very little kick because of the low op pressure; almost feels like you are not shooting.

While I am the subject of shooting, I must say until now I have never seen a matchstick. Mind you this Barrel comes stock with the gun (.689 Back and 14 inch front) This barrel up to par with ANY High end barrel. The inside looks like glass, the porting is perfect.

Speed? Wow. I am not quite adjusted to this trigger. I have fast finger but many people show me up on my own gun. I get VERY fast bursts but cannot hold strings yet. But back to my point, this gun Riiips, and if you have ever seen my gun cycle, there is no doubt as to whether I know what is fast or not.

Efficiency-As for efficiency claims, Can’t really say I’ve done 1700 straight yet, but I do believe them. Because of so much dry firing, and our fill station only going to 3000 at the time, I cannot really get an exact count but I did notice always having MUCH more air that I assumed I did after each set of games.

Electronics- The internal electronics are VERY clean. The LED and micro switch are directly on the board. The eye wires (with connects) are shot and connect right onto it. Having repaired many bushmasters this is somewhat of a relief, very neat, very nice.

The Frame is very comfortable, the Trigger easy to walk. My friend hasn’t played paintball until today, after a few minutes with the trigger he can walk it like a pro. For all of the people crying: bounce! For this gun... There is none, at all. It is just that easy to walk this trigger.

Value? Here is my equation for the Cyborg.
Quality feel of an Angel + Op pressure, kick and Trajectory of a Matrix + Speed of a WAS Timmy + Weight of an Alias + No breakage = Cyborg
Yea it’s something like that. Remember this gun is right out of the box. You already have the best reg out, no need for an LPR either... along with an awesome Barrel, that’s 240 bucks you don’t have to worry about dropping onto the gun before it will be great As of right now I am convinced there is no better “bang for buck” out there.

I am VERY happy with this marker. Within the past 48 hours three of my teammates have converted, so again resistance IS futile
If this marker stand up to the test of time (what MD product hasn’t ?) I’m sure you will see it spread like wildfire, time will tell.

For those of you that do not know me my name is Kai. I am 20 yrs old and I live in NYC. I work at a pro shop in NJ and attend John Jay College in Manhattan (Forensic Psychology Major). I play for the Rexplex Home Team (7 man nppl)
I have probably shot ever marker known to date, and owned most.
Until now my favorite marker was a Very CustomBushmaster
I am a regular in the ICD forums, and an admin over at ICD-owners.com
I shoot a bushmaster, so as you can tell I do not fall for hype of any type. Hope this review helped, as it is all my honest opinion

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10.02.2004 04:55

Originally posted by KMA
Some background:

We played a 5-man, and were fourth going into the finals (out of 12, we lost our first two games in the prelims... :( ) We lost a sudden death game against Rhythm in the finals. This was my first day of play with my Cyborg. Yesterday, I shot about a hopper through it in the back yard...

I play mostly back, although I was more of a middie today (even got into the snake once or twice!). I had a dialed-in Dragon timmy prior to the Cyborg, so I was pretty used to shooting fast. I had the Glad set at 200psi, and the Quest set at 450psi. I was chronoing in at 275fps after adjusting the LPR. I used a 14" CP Pro Barrel kit (.685 back), while shooting field Blaze. It was about 40 degrees inside the building.

This gun is extremely easy to shoot fast. There is definitely some bounce when dry-firing, but it is not really noticeable when using paint. I had no problem shooting as fast as my Dragon, and even a bit faster. I think I was checked by the refs on the third game to see if it was bouncing. Matter of fact, I was asked several times about the gun throughout the day. About 7 refs, and at least as many players, commented after the games and in the stagging area. The gun was working flawlessly most of the day...

...Well, most of the day at least. There was a problem after the 4th game. I noticed the gauge on the ASA was pinned well past 300psi! (I'm guessing it was equal to the Quest's input pressure of 450.) When I turned down the Glad to try to get it near 200psi, the gun would be starved for air. The Glad was creaping terribly for some reason, so I had to take it off and put on a friend's torpedo...

The 'Borg was back in action! For the rest of the day, it was rippin' like no other! I could actually feel the Halo B trying to keep up. There were sporadic pauses (lasting a fraction of a second) that occured now and again. I've never really noticed it when using my Dragon, although that gun was also limited by the hopper sometimes. Somehow it is just different. It seems I can exceed the Halo's limit more easily somehow. (Please, no Halo zealots post on here how they know it can feed 25 bizillion bps and there is no way to out shoot it... :) )

The 'Borg/Quest combo is extremely light and comfortable. I still need to get used to it a bit more (especially when snap shooting), but I know it will become very natural feeling very quickly.

Overall rating: A+ :tup:

I think my teammate with an Alias was a bit jealous of all the attention the 'Borg was getting. To be honest, his marker was shooting extremely fast too. He was checked for bounce and had several people drooling over it (not as many as me though! ;) ) It is a very nice looking marker, and light too! He will most likely get a 'Borg for a backup. Like me, he is not loyal to brand, just for the sake of being loyal. The product has to perform.

Now... off to fix my Glad... :(

Anscheinend sind die 04er Glads doch nicht so Schmutzresistent wie versprochen. Also welcome to 2003.

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


10.02.2004 21:35

I know I could have posted in the other thread but I did not want clutter. I am still at the filed and just wanted to post my results. I did not want to BS everyone in my review so I did not make any claims about efficiency...

Here it goes:
I did not use a Hot fill, I filled to 4500, cooled to 4000 then tapped of up to 4500 again. I have a 68/4500 Conquest set to 400 psi output. I just Shot 2120 paintballs before drop off. When I had under 500 psi Left I took it to the chrono and shot until it stayed above 280... I still had 100 rounds in the hopper they were not counted once my velocity dropped. I have Many witnesses to this as I had a Full fill and did not get air for the whole night

Again... 2120 shots off of my 68/4500 and thats the God honest truth... I am Impressed...

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Wohnort: Köln
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Registriert: 07.08.2003 22:32


11.02.2004 00:31

klingt soweit alles supi nur das es keinen debounce zu geben scheint ? :(

mal sehn wenn sie hier aufschlägt und für wieviel

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11.02.2004 01:59

Burke sagte 1150. Aber laut "Insiderinfos" dauerts noch ei bissl.

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


11.02.2004 06:37

doch es gibt bei der verkaufsversion nen debounce
stellt man per dipschalter ein soweit ich weis

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Wohnort: Forchheim
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 16.10.2003 14:21


11.02.2004 09:58

Hab gerade von Onset ne Mail bekommen ; 1095 $US ; warte etz ab, was sie sagen wegen der Lieferzeit :-) Dann wird se bestellt :lol: :lol:

Der Preis ist sehr gut für Europa, bei den Amis kostet se 980 $US, der hunni ist zu verkraften !

Hab auch gefragt ob der Koffer dabei ist, bin gespannt !

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Wohnort: Wolfenbüttel
Beiträge: 1489
Registriert: 18.09.2002 21:59


11.02.2004 11:29

schlaue leute schauen einfach mal n den onlineshop da kann man sehen was se kostet und was dabei is ;)

aber immer daran denken sie ist noch nicht zugelassen !!!

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Wohnort: Forchheim
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 16.10.2003 14:21


11.02.2004 12:05

Der Preis ist aber anders, als den er mir geschrieben hat ! Habs etz auch gefunden :lol: Habe auf News gewartet und nimmer in Shop geguckt !

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Wohnort: Forchheim
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 16.10.2003 14:21

Und etz is sie da


19.02.2004 20:35


mein Baby ist heute angekommen , hier mal der erste Eindruck :

Paket aufgerissen

Koffer rausgezerrt und hab schon echt gedacht, die ham mir nen leeren Koffer geschickt. Leicht, zu Leicht

Also, Koffer auf und da lag Sie doch drin ( Gottseidank )

Optik goil, Fade und Farbe an sich viel besser als auf allen Bildern und leicht, richtig leicht !

Mal links mal rechts gedreht und sämtliches in Augenschein genommen.

Eye Cover --> sitzen 100%ig , kein Plastik
Die Verarbeitung und Fräsung richtig sauber
Das Feed mit O-Ring, zwar kein Clamp aber immerhin !
Der Trigger seidenweich - sollte aber trotzdem nachjustiert werden
Gladi 04 - kein Kommentar - is bekannt
Stickys in Clear --- Kotzhässlich aber wenigstens Dye !
Der Bolt - interessantes Material- hört sich an wie Kinderspielzeug, wenn man ihn Manuell schiebt
Ram und Endcap sauber , alles schön gefettet und leicht zu zerlegen
On/Off Knopf - Endlich mal was für Leute mit Handschuhen !
angemacht und losgetriggert - geht schnell , verdammt schnell , Bounce = 0

Manual ist super simple - Wartung nur fetten ( Ram + Gladi + LPR )

Das einzige was mir nich gefällt ist, dass das Chrom des Backs nicht zur Gun passt, das hätten sie auch noch farblich machen sollen !

Der Koffer als Gimmick ist stiff, liegt alles gut drin und verrutscht null ! Mit dem Zahlenschloss und dem Cyborg Ident label

So, etz muss ich noch bis Samstag warten, dann hab ich wieder Luft und Paint und am Montag gibts dann den zweiten Eindruck, ob sie auch die Performance hat, die versprochen war !

Der erste Eindruck ist auf jedenfall sehr gut und für den Preis auch hier in D , kann sich so manch anderer "High End" Marker verstecken !
DSC00794be.JPG (14.54 KiB) 623 mal betrachtet

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Wohnort: Harsum
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19.02.2004 21:33

MAch mal nen paar pix dann und schreib mal vom spielbetrieb:)

Und grüß den Cezary mal von onset :)))

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Wohnort: Forchheim
Beiträge: 337
Registriert: 16.10.2003 14:21


20.02.2004 09:40

Sammelt mal, was für Pics Ihr genau wollt ! Sonst mach ich wieder welche und dann will jeder was anderes sehen :lol:

Also einfach loslegen, welche genau, welche Details und dann tu ich so !

Ich könnte das Manual als Ressource reinstellen, da ist alles drin inkl. Explosionszeichnung, wenn mir jemand sagt, wies geht, bin net so der PC Man :roll:

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Wohnort: Köln
Beiträge: 1186
Registriert: 07.08.2003 22:32


20.02.2004 12:06

hast du das manual als datei ?

p.s. die cyborg macht mich an :D

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22.02.2004 03:11

Auf PbNation steht, dass das Eye System Probleme mit zu starkem Sonneneinfall hat. Aha, also endlich doch mal was negatives.

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22.02.2004 09:34

http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php? ... did=423918

First Shot Drop Off.
Mag der Ben gar nicht :(

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