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Russian Indoor Winter Series

z.B. Beach Cup Croatia / Anthrax Cup Griechenland / etc.
Wohnort: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Beiträge: 659
Registriert: 22.01.2011 07:38

Russian Indoor Winter Series


11.11.2013 23:40

Ein netter kleiner Text über Ice Ball in Russland geschrieben von Mats von Hybrid Foto.
Its that time of the year again where the paintball blood begins to thicken and most in Europe store away their gear, watch re-runs of webcasts and set into a paintball addicts withdrawal depression. Russia has a solution for that. Introducing the Russian indoor series, appropriately named, Ice Ball begins in November with four divisions in a WORLD class multi-million dollar facility, Arena Moscow, that any paintballer would think they have died and gone to heaven!

The facility features a full Millennium size field, premium turf, heated (of course especially when its -25c outside), spectator area with the entire field surrounded in 2.5m high hockey glass safe viewing for everyone of all ages. The luxuries don't stop there.

In addition to the field itself Arena offers dressing rooms complete with showers and key locked rooms for your gear, a cafe featuring some of the most amazing Russian dishes, webcast stream from above the action (split screen) AND a mini hostel for you and your team to book. The hostel features six 6-man rooms at an affordable rate per person per night.

Several variants of paint are available for purchase at the events such as ProShar, Dye, DXS, and others. The paint is kept in a climate controlled room right next to the room where Arena's experienced technicians can help you with all your marker needs. The series also has a famed marker genius that is at every event and can repair, setup and pretty much do anything you need for your marker needs except anno - Arman Adigamov. Arman has tech'd for many of the large Russian teams and has a reputation that no one can even come close to!

Sight-seeing opportunities are available with a bit of assistance for those who do not speak Russian. In a nutshell, the Russian's are very friendly, fun loving paintball fanatics who warmly welcome teams from outside of Russia to visit and enjoy the Russian paintball atmosphere.

Visa support as well as any questions can be directed to Tatiana Nikolaeva.

Ich habe bisher ein Iceball event und 2 HotBall events gespielt.

Zu den Reg gebühren, den Europa Tarif zu nehmen ist optional un d lohnt sich ab etwa 15/16 kisten Paint. Je nachdem mit wem man hinfliegt.

Wer mehr über den Dome wissen möchte kan sicherlich auch die Deutsche Damen Nationalmanschaft ansprechen.

Und wer mehr infos zum Tunier oder zum Reisen nach RUssland wissen möchte kann mich gerne jederzeit ansprechen , entweder ich helfe euch selbst mit tips für unterkunft etc , oder ich leite euch an entsprechnede stellen weiter!

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Beiträge: 876
Registriert: 08.03.2004 03:53


26.11.2014 21:39

Gab/gibt es die Serie auch 2014?

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Wohnort: Hessen
Beiträge: 1507
Registriert: 01.07.2006 16:37


27.11.2014 17:39

ja, die Serie gibt es diesen Jahr auch. Der Flyer ist aber vom letzten Jahr ;)

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Wohnort: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Beiträge: 659
Registriert: 22.01.2011 07:38


27.11.2014 18:44

Wenn du Infos brauchst etc schreib mir ne pm

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