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Hello! A photographer here, sorry my German is bad...

Wie und womit man Paintball am besten knipst
Will hier nur verkaufen
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 22.12.2009 13:02

Hello! A photographer here, sorry my German is bad...


22.12.2009 13:10

Hello all. I was wondering if there are any upcoming tournaments around to photograph. Unfortunately, I dont speak much German. I used to play D2 xball when I lived in the US. I love the game, however, my main concentration is now on photography and not paintball anymore. I'd love to come out and shoot a few games if anyone can help.

Please let me know.


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Wohnort: Rhein-Main
Beiträge: 610
Registriert: 05.10.2005 22:07


22.12.2009 13:59

Hi Adam,
most Tournaments are listed here ( http://pbhub.de/forum/calendar.php ) with links to the corresponding threads.

Furthermore, all tournament related threads for tournaments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be found here: http://pbhub.de/forum/paintballforum-28.html

The same is true for tournaments taking place outside of that main area which can be found here: http://pbhub.de/forum/paintballforum-105.html

Just contact the User opening the Thread and advertising the tournament and ask if you can shoot there. Normally that is not a problem.

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