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Internationale Unterstützung Pro Paintball

Alles was es über das Paintballverbot zu wissen gibt. Bitte lest erst bevor Ihr Euch an Politik oder Medien wendet. Nur bedachte Aktivitäten formen das richtige Bild.
Der Krischan
Wohnort: Hamburg, Deutschland
Beiträge: 194
Registriert: 22.02.2009 22:17


13.05.2009 13:48

Kittys Video wird derzeit für das britische Fernsehen vorbereitet und dort wohl verwendet. Sobald sich da was ergibt, kriegt ihr eine Rückmeldung. Was man jedoch tun könnte, wäre, diverse Sender - vor allem private! - anzuschreiben und um Sendezeit zu bitten, abseits der normalen Interviews. RTL2 z.B. sollte dafür recht offen sein.

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Wohnort: Hauptstadt von Stutensee
Beiträge: 160
Registriert: 25.03.2006 00:20


13.05.2009 14:00

Jaaaaa genau, bei Stern TV mit Herrn Jauch diskutieren :-P

Nee mal Spaß beiseite. Wäre zu überlegen, ob die Pro Paintball-Initiative net vorsorglich schon mal n Medienpaket zusammenschnürt und im Vorfeld bereits mit Urheber-Rechten und Tralala handelt.
Falls es zu TV-Präsenz kommen sollte, hat man was in der Hand.
Aber trotz allem sollte das ganze nicht nach zu viel "pro Paintball" aussehen. Soll ja kein Werbevideo sein sondern in erster Linie wachrütteln, dass extremst Schindluder betrieben wird von seiten der Politik.
Find ich zumindest.

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Wohnort: Alsdorf bei Aachen
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 24.08.2007 11:37


13.05.2009 14:08

Hatte von einem spanischen Freund eine Anfrage wegen des Verbotes gehabt und wie es aussieht.
Habe diese Mail geschrieben:

Hello Christian!

At first the German Paintball Legua (DPL), Traders, Fieldowners, European Paintball Federation (EPBF) and Players unite to the Forum Pro Paintballsport and work together. With the help of a lawyer, they check, what kind of rights they have and possibilities to fight against the Paintball Ban in Germany. Thru the Internet Communities we stay informed about what happens and what can we do as Player to keep our sport alive. At the end of this month the politicians decide if they gonna change the weaponlaw and the Paintball Ban wil come. Since the last days every German Paintballer write to every German Politician to stop that Ban because paintball wasn´t the reason for the killing runs. We tried to inform the politician and the rest of Germany in TV, Radio and Internet what paintball is, because they have a wrong picture of it.
So everyone tried to explain:
Why we play Paintball!
Why we love to play it!
Who and where in the world play it!
About the Leagues in the World!
About the Millenium Series!
That the killing runners didn´t play it!
That our fields are not Trainning Camps for Terorrists or killing runners!
No Player go on a field with the thoughts killing each other!
It is not a simulation of killing.
And much more reason.

At the moment it looks not good for our Sport. Other Nations and foreign Teams heared about it. They offer their help and ask how they can help. One help is, tell every Spain Paintballer what is going on here in Germany. Even your spanish League Leaders. Keep this discussion alive, that our politicans see, that other countries watch them and are intrested in this discussion.

Here are Links to the importent Sites:


Your Paintballfriend

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Wohnort: Alsdorf bei Aachen
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 24.08.2007 11:37


13.05.2009 16:14

Antwort von Christian:


im very surpised and impressed

i find today the information in two diary the guardian and el pais

im sending it to everybody and posting the information in forums this is incredible because it affect to all europepaintball Germany is a powerfull country with a lot of weight in the CEE goberment, this is a very bad notice

South league and andalucian league (of course me and my paintball field) are at your entire disposition if you need any kind of comunication or document that we can make for help.

please let me know all the news you have about this

newspaper links

http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internac ... int_14/Tes

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/ma ... l-massacre



E-Mail von Christian: info@paintballdivision.net
Wikipedia Infos zur El Pais: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Pa%C3%ADs
Zuletzt geändert von ATF am 13.05.2009 17:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Beiträge: 109
Registriert: 07.05.2009 08:32


13.05.2009 17:04

Sogar in Spanien ist Arne Petry ein Begriff.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


13.05.2009 21:44

Interview // Arne Petry On Germany's Paintball Ban

Will European paintball be doomed with a ban in Germany?

We spoke with Germany Paintball League spokesperson Arne Petry about the proposed ban of paintball in Germany, following a tragic shooting in March. Here’s what he had to say...

What is going on in Germany? What led to this proposed paintball ban?

There has been a tragic killing spree in a German school in Winnenden. After this, politicians felt under pressure to do something against it in order to prevent these happenings from occurring again. Apart from minor restrictions in weapons legislation, a draft proposal to ban paintball was made although the killing spree was not at all related to paintball sports. The spree killer neither had played paintball before nor was he allowed to play paintball as he was not of age. In contrast to other countries, the paintball marker comes under the gun control law in Germany and can only be legally purchased as of the age of 18.

Although the situation is tragic, do you feel that this response is justified?

No, this response took us by surprise and isn’t justified. The problem of most spree killers is a lack of social integration. On the contrary, paintball is a team sport which supports social integration and community. Even renowned German scientists and expert opinion come to the conclusion that paintball rather prevents killing sprees.

How strong a presence does paintball have in Germany’s everyday life?

In recent years, paintball has developed strongly in Germany. Thanks to the “Deutsche Paintball Liga” (Europe’s biggest national paintball league) and the XPSL, Germany has two firmly established leagues in which more than 3.500 players pursue their leisure time sports. Based on over 200 pitches and numerous traders, an area-wide structure and an own branch network has been created.

If paintball is banned, what would be the response from players?

Overnight, ten thousand players would be criminalised, thousands would lose their jobs and leagues as well as pitches would have to close their businesses. Moreover, the Millennium-Series would no longer be likely to take place in Germany. Players only have limited possibilities; either they play illegally in Germany or they evade the issue by playing in neighbouring countries.

Is the German government reacting too quickly?

It certainly wasn’t a well planned step. In the last few days, politicians were surprised by how the paintball community is struggling for its sport. Large traders, producers, leagues, playing organisations and paintball portals have united by using the Forum-Pro-Paintballsport.de in order to increase public awareness of this harmless sport. Since then, mainly objective reports have been shown in the media about our sport. We hope to prevent the prohibition in order to keep playing our beloved paintball sport both nationally and internationally.

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Wohnort: Köln/Bonn
Beiträge: 141
Registriert: 02.11.2003 13:29


13.05.2009 22:20

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


15.05.2009 00:12

German plan to outlaw paintball shelved
Measure sparked by school shooting could have affected game on U.S. bases
By Mark Abramson and Marcus Klöckner, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Friday, May 15, 2009

The German parliament’s plan to outlaw paintball, which could have affected fields at U.S. bases, has been pulled off the table for now.

Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, was considering a law that would have criminalized paintball and fined anyone caught playing the growing sport or operating paintball fields up to 5,000 euros.

But the German media reported Thursday afternoon that the parliament has taken a step back to conduct studies on the issue and it may consider placing age and dress restrictions on the sport.

A 15-man task force of officials from each German state, formed after a school shooting in Winnenden in March that left 15 dead, recommended banning paintball, reported the Berliner Zeitung, a newspaper based in Berlin. Members of the task force argued it desensitizes people to violence and they labeled the sport a "human disgrace."

U.S. bases are dotted with paintball ranges at Vogelweh and Army garrisons in Baumholder, Grafenwöhr and Hohenfels, to name a few. And five new fields are planned at Hohenfels.

It is anyone’s guess as to how any future bans would affect American paintball fields in Germany, Installation Management Command-Europe spokesman Ken White said.

"I monitor the international media. I always look at what is happening," White said. "Our legal folks and [Morale, Welfare and Recreation] staff was aware (of the move to ban paintball). We were not caught unaware that they were looking at this."

German politicians are divided on the issue of pulling the plug on the sport.

"Paintball is immoral. Therefore, we will abolish it," said Dieter Wiefelspütz, a politician from the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) in an interview with the Berliner Zeitung.

Parliament and SPD member Sebastian Edathy told Bild Zeitung that any decision on paintball should be made after careful examination.

"I do not see a direct connection between paintball and a killing spree as it took place in Winnenden," he said. "We should get another expert’s opinion and take it from there."

The law would have affected 300 businesses and about 500,000 Germans who enjoy squaring off against other paintballers, Arne Petry, a spokesman for The German Paintball League, told Stars and Stripes. There are 200 paintball fields in Germany, and a ban could put 1,000 people out of work, Petry said.
http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?sect ... icle=62686

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


15.05.2009 00:18

http://www.time.com/time/world/article/ ... 20,00.html

Time Magazine über das geplante Verbot.

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Wohnort: Hawaii
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 13.05.2009 09:44


16.05.2009 02:57

My Translator is away so you will have to deal with me typing english :)

I have asked TechPBMike to do a video. I know it looks like you are going to be ok now but I felt a larger voice was needed.

TechPB has prepared our response. Anything we can do to help, please ask-



If there is anything TechPB can do please feel free to PM me in german or in english and we will do what we can.

Much Love

Kitty x

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