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PSP & NPPL mergen?

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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PSP & NPPL mergen?


05.07.2011 10:50

Rumor: Paintball manufactures call for NPPL, PSP merger

July 5, 2011 1:35 am

ProPaintball insiders indicate that the big paintball manufactures (the guys making the paint) are suggesting that the major paintball leagues merge. According to a rumor floating around, the paintball companies want the National Professional Paintball League to merge with Paintball Sports Promotions in 2012 to reduce the amount of times they need to roll out the heavy duty/expensive event trucks. The rumor goes as far as to suggest the paintball manufactures are considering pulling their sponsorship of the leagues if a merger is not completed.

GI Sports Paintball Truck

The concept of a major league merger is not a new one. In fact, the “merger” rumor has shown its face for as long as many of us can remember. The issues preventing the leagues from merging boil down to a few key points; who and how much ownership everyone would hold in combined league, which format would survive, and, most of all, personal ego.

For those of you unfamiliar, the NPPL is compromised of a group of pro teams who own various percentage interests in the league. The PSP is backed by Dave Dehaan, the owner of DYE Precision. Each league has its established customer base and feels that its format and operation is superior to that of the competition.

Further, the NPPL owners want a seat at the decision making table (a position a core group of NPPL owners have held since 2007) in order to influence the course and direction of the league. The PSP is under the impression that they run a good show and that while a think tank might be good, there is no guarantee that those ideas will be implemented or taken into consideration.

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05.07.2011 11:28

Sehr interessant, könnte sogar klappen, da hier mal kein Zusammenschluss von Seiten der Spieler gefordert wird, sondern von Seiten der Händler... und da die zahlen, könnte ich mir durchaus vorstellen dass es was wird.

Gibt es in Amerika eigentlich ein vergleichbares Gebashe zwischen PSP und NPPL wie bei uns mit DPL und XPSL?

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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05.07.2011 11:40

jap, gibt es. bzw. gebashe zwischen händlern und herstellern...

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Alter Sack
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05.07.2011 13:52

Zitat: "reduce the amount of times they need to roll out the heavy duty/expensive event trucks"

Wenn sie Kosten sparen wollen würden, würden sie die Trucks noch öfters fahren lassen, denn jeder Geschäftsmann weiß, Stillstand kostet!!!
Außerdem verdienen sie mehr daran, wenn sie auf 2 Ligen(und/oder noch mehreren) verkaufen können, als nur auf einer. Da mit Sicherheit nicht die selbe Menge an Turnieren bei einer Liga stattfinden würde, wie bei 2, sondern manche Termine gestrichen würden.
Nette Idee von jemandem, der wirklich noch daran glaubt das diese großen Turniere "von Spielern für Spieler" gemacht werden.
Man hat sich aus Egogründen getrennt, und man wird aus Egogründen getrennt bleiben!!
Ist fast so als ob sich beim Boxen alle Weltverbände zu einem zusammenschließen würden

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05.07.2011 22:44

ist das jez so ne idee wie cal. 50?

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06.07.2011 15:00

und was wollen die dann spielen?
7 man xball?

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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06.07.2011 15:11

vielleicht beide formate zu weiterhin 8-10 terminen. :)

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Alter Sack
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06.07.2011 16:52

Ja, und die hälfte davon dann in Europa... :lool: :lool: :lool:
wenn wir schon dabei sind uns was zusammen zu spinnen, dann kann man doch auch richtig, oder?

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06.07.2011 18:09

Florian hat geschrieben:vielleicht beide formate zu weiterhin 8-10 terminen. :)

Hm... und dann "fahren die Trucks" immer noch genauso oft/weit wie vorher?

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06.07.2011 18:22

Der Sinn besteht Eigentlich worin, wenn man über einen Zusammenschluss redet???
Hier in Deutschland wäre es interessant, weil man den Titel des deutschen Meisters eindeutig erreichen könnte, aber wenn man dann erneut auf die boxszene schaut und die vielen Titel die es da gibt, dann hat es auch seine Berechtigung...
Wäre jedoch etwas besser wenn es mehr Schnittstellen geben würde zwischen XPSL und DPL

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06.07.2011 19:51

ich denk da geht es eher sponsored paint :denk:
wenn ich 2 ligen zusammenlege dann muss man für weniger events trainieren und demzufolge weniger trainings- und turnierpaint an teams raushauen. nicht wenige teams spielen beide ligen.. da würde sowas durchaus "sinn" machen, zumindest aus sicht der painthersteller.

ob das wirklich realisierbar ist, steht dann noch auf einem ganz anderen blatt :)

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Alter Sack
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06.07.2011 20:09

Als ob die gesponsorten teams dann weniger Paint in die Landschaft setzen würden.....
dann würde eher noch das ein oder andere Turnier mitgenommen werden, bzw häufiger triniert werden, weil es dann ja um "mehr" gehen würde. So als ob die Boxligen sich zu einer verbinden würden und Klitsch und Co seltener boxen müßten :). Die müßten auch häufiger ran, weil es dann mehr Contender für den "einen" Titel da sind, die alle mal ne chance bekommen müssen.

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06.07.2011 20:30

paintball ist aber nicht boxen, oder fußball oder formel1 :dodgy:

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Alter Sack
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06.07.2011 23:28

Krashok hat geschrieben:paintball ist aber nicht boxen, oder fußball oder formel1 :dodgy:
nicht? mist, dann betreib ich seit 20Jahren den falschen Sport!

Die Teams die jetzt bei den 2 Serien spielen wollen würden dann bei der einen Serie spielen wollen. Auch wenn man jetzt mal die Teams von der Liste streichen würde, die beide Serien spielen, bleiben noch ne Menge Teams über, die mitmischen wollen, also würde der Andrang bei der Serie höher und es würde ein größerer Wettbewerb entstehen, was wiederum mehr Druck bedeutet. Also mehr trainieren um zu bestehen.
Die Paintsponsoren würden eher die menge an gesponsorter Paint verkleinern, als Turniere wegfallen zu sehen, wo sie noch massig Balls verkaufen können.
Geh mal weg von den Top Teams, an denen verdienen Sponsoren nix, die kosten nur! Was meinste denn, wer die Hauptsumme bei so nem Turnier einbringt?(auf den Paintverkauf gesehen) Richtig, die übrigen 3/4 des Starterfeldes!

Da das ganze aber eh nur ein alljährliches wiederkehrendes Gerücht ist(mal sind es die Spieler, mal die Händler, mal die Serienbetreiber etc), kann man das ganze als nette Idee abtun, aus der nix wird, und auf´s nächste Gerücht warten. :hallo:

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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18.08.2011 23:04

he NPPL and PSP met in Vegas a few weeks ago to discuss a potential merger. The first meeting was said to be very promising with both leagues making a major effort to see that the merger is successful. The NPPL was said to be discussing the meeting internally at the board member teleconference held on the weekend of July 30th. According to sources familiar with the matter, the meeting went well and both leagues are pushing forward with the merger discussions.

Whats the next step in the process? Representatives from both leagues will be meeting at this weekends PSP New Jersey Open and again at the NPPL DC Open. Meetings will be held to discuss, if a merger were to happen, how best to combine the two leagues. Topics that will be discussed include management, ownership, organization and format of the combined company.

By holding these meetings at the New Jersey and DC Open events, league representatives will have a chance to take a close look at the operational side of each league. This will provide a great opportunity for the leagues to discuss how the two entities can combine their respective companies to provide the best experience for the paintball community.

Players and industry members that support both leagues have complained for years that the cost of traveling and competing in/ supporting each league has been prohibitively expensive. If the merger were to happen, a combined national paintball league is thought to operate a total of 5 or 6 events (as opposed to the current 8 events now being run). ProPaintball insiders indicate that leagues are actively discussing options for rate of fire, coaching, and other issues critical to paintball players. The leagues have also been discussing how to improve the value and best support the vendors attending the paintball events.

In review; no merger has taken place. The leagues are still meeting to discuss possibilities and options. If a merger was approved by both sides an announcement would take place at the end of the 2011 paintball season.
umors continue to circulate that the PSP and the NPPL may merge during the 2011-2012 off season. As mentioned previously, meetings have been underway discussing how the two leagues would fit together. Today’s daily discussion focuses in on the rate of fire subject.

On the National Professional Paintball League side, paintball players compete in the semi-auto mode. This mode is said to be one shot per trigger pull and shooting speed is said to be a skill. In many cases, the rate of fire from semi-auto paintball guns ends up being much more than a real world 12-14 balls per second that a human is able to produce due to custom settings and cheater boards (did you truly believe your fingers could generate 18+ bps on their own?). This leaves rule enforcement up to the discretion of the judges and has caused numerous problems in the past.

In the PSP’s case, paintball players utilize a software based ramp mode. Players click the trigger a few times in succession and the amount of balls coming out of the gun ramps up to a league standardized maximum rate of fire. In the case of ramping, players rely on the gun as a virtual bunker and hide behind a stream of paint as they make their way down the field. The ramp and subsequent rate of fire cap help control the rate at which players guns are firing which prevents cheating. One of the downsides of ramping is that it automates your trigger action and many argue detracts from the over all game.

At the end of the day the leagues are looking to control cheating and manage the skill element required to compete at the highest levels. How do you feel about the rate of fire issue? Do you prefer ramping over semi auto, or vice versa?

What rate of fire do you think the combined leagues should utilize? Should they implement a semi auto format, or a ramping based format? Or, should they be considering another option that has not been discussed? Is there another way to do this?

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19.08.2011 08:09

What rate of fire do you think the combined leagues should utilize? Should they implement a semi auto format, or a ramping based format? Or, should they be considering another option that has not been discussed? Is there another way to do this?
Beides erlauben, wer rampt muß cappen.
Könnte man in anderen Ligen auch einführen ;-)

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19.08.2011 08:48

Lakalutschi hat geschrieben:
What rate of fire do you think the combined leagues should utilize? Should they implement a semi auto format, or a ramping based format? Or, should they be considering another option that has not been discussed? Is there another way to do this?
Beides erlauben, wer rampt muß cappen.
Könnte man in anderen Ligen auch einführen ;-)
Ramping oder Semi egal, aber ein Cap macht Sinn... sonst musst du als Ref ewig Knarren checken... oder soll jeder Semi-Spieler ein Semi-Trikot tragen, damit der Ref weiß, dass er bei ihm besonders oft die Knarre checken muss? ;)

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19.08.2011 11:39

RST hat geschrieben:
Florian hat geschrieben:vielleicht beide formate zu weiterhin 8-10 terminen. :)

Hm... und dann "fahren die Trucks" immer noch genauso oft/weit wie vorher?
nein... dann fliegen sie in roflcoptern zu den "events"!

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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19.08.2011 11:45

ne, sie machen aus 8 events. 5 oder 6. siehe oben!

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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19.10.2011 16:13

The end of the season is only a few weeks away and the major league paintball merger rumors are heating up. ProPaintball insiders have been passing through a series of conflicting information. You, the ProPaintball community, are invited to be the judge of what is true, false, and ridiculous.

PSP NPPL Paintball League Merger Update

Here is the latest in the stream of never ending merger related gossip. Please note that this gossip comes to us from a variety of sources, some of which are long time ProPaintball insiders, and a few are newer and unvetted. Some of this may be spot on and other elements may be out of left field. Aside from areas marked “ProPaintball:”, This gossip is posted raw and uncut.

According to several sources, the odds of the PSP and NPPL mergering is about 50/50. ProPaintball: If true, these odds appear to remain unchanged after several months of negotiations. For the records sake, these merger negotiations officially began in July, 2011.

Talk around the water cooler is that there won’t be a merger. Then we hear that there will be a merger. ProPaintball: No one knows.

The PSP is rumored to be going to 5 events next year, merger or not.

The NPPL is rumored to be firmly in charge of merger talks and controlling the direction of the merger.

The NPPL is rumored to be pushing a 7-man, Race-to 3 format for all divisions.

The 2012 pro division will be limited to 16 teams. Those that don’t make the cut will be playing in a new semi pro division. Semi pro teams will have a chance to win a slot in the pro division, and the bottom pro teams will be relegated into semi pro.

The PSP pro division will be “the” pro division next year. A select group of NPPL teams will be invited in to the fold. NPPL teams that play PSP Pro at the 2011 World Cup will have priority.

The NPPL pro division will be “the” pro division next year. A select group of PSP pro teams will be invited in to the fold.

Merger talks are taking place at the 2011 PSP World Cup.


Players from 3 Pro Paintball teams polled said that if there is no merger, and the PSP goes to 5 events, that they believe their teams will be playing the PSP exclusively. These teams play currently play both leagues.

Pro Merger: Elements from both sides are rumored to be pushing for a rumor so that the industry can work together to rebuild, grow the game and make another push for mainstream acceptance.

No Merger: Elements that are against a merger are worried about the loss of control, ownership stakes, suggest “big sponsorship deals” are in the wings, and prefer one format over the other.

Based on the above rumors, ProPaintball has published a poll (to the right of this article) offering you the opportunity to vote on your preferred paintball format for 2012. Cast your votes and we will discuss the results next Tuesday

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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19.10.2011 16:14

Last night a survey went out was sent out from the PSP to gauge the opinion of longtime PSP series players and team owners. This survey is very interesting as it helps shed a bit of light on yesterday’s Major League Merger rumor round up. In the email below, Lane once again clears the air and speculation with regards to format. Lane tackle this issue head on, saying there has been “very little discussion regarding format“. Another interesting element of this survey is the options presented. Players are open to choose between 5man, 7man, or whichever format is provided as long as there is consistent reffing. Lastly, Lane mentions that while they are looking for your opinion and value it greatly, they will not be making a decision based entirely on the results of the poll. Based on the timing of the poll closing (tonight at 7pm), it appears there will be continued discussions of a merger at this weeks 2011 PSP World Cup or shortly there after.

Here is the email we received in entirety:

PSP Pro Paintball

A message from Lane Wright, COO of PSP Events, LLC:

As many of you have probably heard, there are ongoing discussions between PSP Events, LLC and the NPPL regarding a combining of the two companies into one and producing one tournament series.

There has been lots of speculation and rumor-mongering about the format that would be adopted if this merger were to happen. At this point, there has been very little discussion regarding format.

Obviously, a discussion and decision on format will have to take place in the very near future. As such, I am attempting to get a very brief answer from PSP teams about the subject.

If you received this email, your team has shown a commitment to attending PSP events, and as such, we greatly value your opinion.

I want to make clear this is not a poll from which a decision will be made. There are many issues involved in a chosen format. While player choice is certainly a huge part of the equation, it isn’t the only consideration.

Very simply, please log in to your team profile and choose the one (1) choice that most closely represents your opinion on the format used going forward:

A. My team will play whatever format is provided, assuming the reffing will continue to be consistent.

B. My team prefers to play a point-based format but aren’t very concerned with whether there are 5 or 7 players on the field.

C. My team doesn’t care about the point-based format, but we are only interested in playing a 5 player format.

D. My team doesn’t want to play anything other than a format very similar to the current 5 player, point-based format.

E. My team would prefer to play the point-based format currently used but with 7 players.

F. My team would prefer 7 players and a format other than the current point-based format.

To respond to this poll, visit <link redacted>.

I would greatly appreciate receiving your response by 7 PM Eastern, Wednesday, October 19.

Thank you for your support,

Lane Wright

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19.10.2011 19:33

- Eine Liga, die wirklich zählt
- Konzentration der PR auf eine Liga --> bessere Außenwirkung des PB-Sports
- ein einheitliches Regelwerk, statt "Durcheinander" --> steigert Akzeptanz beim Zuschauer

- Fehlende Konkurrenz, das kann für die Spieler teuer werden, wenn kein Verband dahinter steht, sondern Leute, die mit dem Monopol Geld verdienen (siehe Ecclestone/Formel1)

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19.10.2011 19:53

aaahh.. endlich werden die Amis einsichtig... könnten wir das Bitte bitte auch in Deutschland realisieren?? Gerne mit mehr Spieltagen, aber ich finde eine richtige Liga wesentlich besser! Vor allem wie sich das Ganze in Deutschland im Moment entwickelt!

naja wir werden sehen inwieweit es in den USA funktioniert!

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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17.11.2011 14:10

PSP NPPL Merger Rumor Report

The series championships have come and gone. Rumors have run amuck throughout the 2011 season that a merger was in the works and that we would see some sort of unified league in 2012. At the PSP World Cup, we heard Dave Youngblood (via webcast) indicate that a merger announcement would be coming in the next 3 weeks (positive indication on merger). A few days prior to NPPL Vegas, we learned that the NPPL has already “scheduled” NPPL HB 2012 (negative indication on merger). All of this leaves us guessing..

PSP NPPL Paintball League Merger Update

Here is a rumor round up of the latest;

Apparently the merger was a “go” the week prior to NPPL Las Vegas. According to ProPaintball insiders, a meeting was held on Saturday, November 12th between the NPPL and PSP. Sources suggest the topic of conversation related to closing the deal, but something went awry. Rumors range from differing on format to the high rollers on each side of the table trying to buy one another out.

Over the years we as players have heard that the big league merger was “right around the corner”, “happening” or a “done deal” more times than we can count. After publishing countless merger related stories (and rumors), we find ourselves tiring of the subject.

Now we turn it to you, the players.

Do you think a merger will happen?

Do you think this merger will make or break professional/divisional paintball?

Do you care if the leagues merge or not?

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17.11.2011 23:40

wenns teurer wird, wirds uninteressanter... auf dauer macht das die breite (paintball)masse in d nicht mit...

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